Today we have a conversation with Sampriti Bhattacharyya, who came to the US from India and is now changing the world of boats and building a maritime company Correction: 01:51 Sorry about the map of India mix-up in the video. It wasn't intentional. We just didn't give the map a proper check before we published the video. Thanks for understanding! My Companies & Products: Chapters: 00:00 In this video… 01:24 How Sampriti got to the US from India 08:35 What’s unique about the company 09:25 Relationship with family 10:57 Journey to the US 13:40 Turning points 16:26 Working at NASA 17:55 The first company 20:02 Starting the Navier 21:22 The first prototype of a boat 23:27 Fundraising journey 27:10 How to build something with limited resources 33:38 3 problems that need to be solved 38:44 Navier’s team 42:14 How to get Sergey Brin as an investor 45:38 People who support 47:43 What’s next 52:17 Books recommendations I post daily stories about my life and business routine on my Instagram - ⭐ DOWNLOAD MY ENGLISH WORKBOOK - 💰 INVESTMENT APPS & BOOKS: - Top credit cards for free flights, hotels, and cash-back - - Webull - - Robinhood - - Listen to Tony Robbin's audiobook "MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom" - - Interactive Brokers I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus) #siliconvalleygirl #navier #siliconvalley #marinamogilko #SampritiBhattacharyya